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3 Reasons Responding To Google Reviews is Crucial: Guest Post by Lisa Copeland

By November 7, 2023No Comments

My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices - responding to Google reviews

Patient Care Continues Online: Why You Should be Responding to Google Reviews

In today’s digital age, online reviews hold significant sway over consumer decisions. Whether you’re searching for a restaurant, a vacation spot, or even a dentist, it has become second nature to consult Google reviews before making a choice.

As a dentist, your online reputation can make or break your practice. That’s why it’s crucial to actively engage with patient Google reviews, and here are three compelling reasons why you, as a dental practice, should personally respond to them.

Dental Practices Guide To Online Reviews

Builds Trust and Shows You Care

Patient trust is the cornerstone of any successful dental practice. When you respond to Google reviews personally, you’re not just acknowledging the feedback; you’re demonstrating a genuine commitment to your patients’ well-being. This personal touch goes a long way in building trust and rapport with your patients. Visit the Google My Business Help Center or this dental SEO guide for detailed information on managing your business’s online presence, including responding to reviews and optimizing your Google My Business listing.

Responding to Google reviews

Imagine this scenario: A patient named Sarah leaves a glowing five-star review, praising your gentle approach and effective treatment. You respond with a heartfelt thank-you message, expressing your gratitude for her kind words and emphasizing your dedication to providing exceptional care. Sarah, in turn, feels valued and appreciated as a patient.

On the flip side, if you receive a negative review, your personal response can turn the situation around. When addressing criticism, it’s essential to remain professional and empathetic. Apologize for any negative experience the patient had and offer to resolve the issue privately. This not only demonstrates your commitment to patient satisfaction but also shows potential patients that you take their concerns and privacy seriously.

In both cases, personalized responses to Google reviews demonstrate your active involvement and genuine concern for your patients’ experiences. This commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction fosters trust, making patients more likely to choose your dental practice over competitors.

Enhances Your Online Reputation

Your online reputation can significantly impact your dental practice’s success. According to a BrightLocal survey, 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, with 79% trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations. With this in mind, your Google review page is essentially your practice’s digital storefront.

responding to Google reviews for dental practices

By personally responding to reviews, you’re actively managing your online reputation. Positive responses to glowing reviews reinforce the positive image of your practice, while empathetic, professional responses to negative reviews demonstrate your commitment to addressing issues and improving patient experiences.

Additionally, regularly engaging with reviews can boost your practice’s visibility on Google. The search engine algorithm tends to favor businesses that actively engage with their customers. When you respond to reviews, it signals to Google that you’re an active and reputable business, potentially resulting in better search rankings and increased visibility to potential patients.

Provides Insightful Feedback

Patient Google reviews offer valuable insights into your practice’s strengths and areas for improvement. When you read reviews carefully and respond personally, you gain a deeper understanding of what your patients appreciate and what they find lacking in your services.

Positive reviews can highlight aspects of your practice that set you apart from the competition. Suppose multiple patients mention your friendly team, painless procedures, or efficient scheduling. In that case, you know these are key strengths you should continue to emphasize in your dental marketing efforts.

On the other hand, negative reviews can pinpoint areas where your practice may need improvement or coaching. Perhaps patients mention long wait times, unclear billing processes, or a lack of communication. These criticisms provide an opportunity for you to address these issues, improve your practice, and ultimately enhance the patient’s experience.

By responding to both positive and negative reviews personally, you can also gather more detailed feedback. Engage with patients by asking open-ended questions or inviting them to contact your office directly to discuss their concerns further. This not only shows your dedication to resolving issues but also provides you with direct feedback that can lead to meaningful improvements in your practice.

A Pro-active Approach

  • Look for webinars or online courses that focus on online reputation management and responding to reviews. Websites like LinkedIn Learning may have relevant courses.
  • Consider reaching out to professional dental associations and organizations in your region. They may offer guidance or resources specific to managing online reviews in the dental industry.
  • Collaborating with a marketing company can be a game-changer when it comes to enhancing your online presence. In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes.

New call-to-action


By responding to patient Google reviews personally is an essential aspect of managing your dental practice’s online reputation. It builds trust, enhances your online image, and provides valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

As you engage with your patients online, remember that every response is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with existing patients and attract new ones. Don’t underestimate the power of a personal response in the world of digital dentistry.

Bonus! Register for the Upcoming Webinar

On Nov 30, 2023 04:30 PM MST dive into the world of dental marketing with a special focus on leveraging Google Business Profiles (GBP) to its fullest potential. In today’s digital age, a strong online presence can significantly influence a dental practice’s success. GBP is not just a listing but a powerful tool to connect, communicate, and build relationships with patients.



In this webinar, Lisa Copeland will illuminate the importance and nuances of responding to patient reviews in a HIPAA-compliant manner, turning positive feedback and constructive criticism into invaluable social proof. Simultaneously, Adrian Lefler, CEO of My Social Practice, will guide you through the innovative GBP messaging function, its activation, and its optimal use to communicate efficiently with potential patients. Learn how to transform your GBP into a dynamic platform that can significantly boost your practice’s outreach and patient relationship management.

Lisa-Copeland-Communicate with Influence

About the Author: Lisa Copeland, RDH, is renowned as a leading authority in dental team communication and serves as the CEO of Communicate With Influence. Not only is she a Generation X professional, but she’s also an accomplished author, IRONMAN, and an international speaker. Her diverse global experience spans from the US and Europe to Southeast Asia, enabling her to bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge to her coaching. Throughout her varied career, Lisa has held multiple roles within dental teams, a fact that amplifies her coaching efficacy and allows her to relate directly to her clients’ challenges and triumphs. Dedicated to promoting optimized communication strategies, she passionately guides dental teams towards achieving heightened profitability and enhanced performance. Among her many achievements, Lisa holds the distinguished CSP Award from the National Speakers Association, an honor bestowed upon fewer than 12% of speakers worldwide. Impressively, she stands as one of only three Registered Dental Hygienists globally to have earned this esteemed accolade.

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