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Crafting a Captivating Dental About Us Page: Step-by-Step Guide & Template

By February 6, 2023April 5th, 2023No Comments

My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices - how to write a dental about us page

How to Write a Dental About Us Page That’s Awesome!

The About Us page is the second most trafficked page on dental websites. Updating your page so it correctly reflects the mission and values of your practice is a task you should set some time aside for.

An outstanding ‘About Us’ page should be authentic, friendly, and distinctive. Your potential patients should get a taste of what their experience will be like in your practice. Showcase your mission, values, personal interests, stories, and images that convey the essence of your practice. 

The layout of your ‘About Us’ page is a reflection of your practice, so feel free to tailor it to highlight what’s important to you. 

There is no ‘one size fits all’ About Us page. The step-by-step guide in this article will give you some guidance on creating a memorable ‘About Us’ page. Make sure to download the dentist bio template, it will help to direct your edits and updates.

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State Your Mission

A comprehensive ‘About Us’ page for your dental practice should start with a clear and concise mission statement. State what your practice aims to achieve in your community and why it matters to your patients. Mission statements help to leave an impression and align the goals of your practice with the needs of your patients.

Tell Your Practice Story

Every dentist and practice has a unique story to share. If you’ve just graduated and are starting a practice from scratch, you have a story to tell. If you’re an associate of an established practice, you have a story to tell. If you’ve been practicing for a while, you have a story to tell. It doesn’t matter what stage your practice is in, you can help patients understand your ‘why’.

Outline the journey of your practice, including the milestones before its founding and its progress so far. You can even talk about the goals of your practice and what you wish to accomplish in the future.

Highlight your evolution

Piggy-backing on the previous idea, don’t be afraid to show how your practice has changed over time. Have you pivoted? Did you change your goals or mission at any point? Your ‘About Us’ page is a great opportunity to showcase how you’ve grown and adapted to the needs of your local community.

Share your “aha!” moment

An ‘aha’ moment is a moment of sudden insight or discovery. For a dental practice it’s the pivotal moment when you realize the value of your service and why your local community needs it. Aha moments are emotional and impactful, creating a powerful impression for your patients and encourages them to want more.

Every successful dentist has an ‘aha’ moment. Share the inspiration behind your dental practice and how it has shaped who you are today.

Identify your target audience

Your ‘About Us’ page should clearly state who you serve, making it easy for potential patients to determine if your services align with their needs. 

You’ll want to state the geographical areas that you serve and draw patients from. One importnat dental SEO tactic you can implement here would be to create location pages and link to those pages. When you link internally it helps Google and other search engines understand where you should show up on the search engines.

Clearly state your dental services

Avoid generalizing your services on your website. Instead, explain exactly what a potential patient will gain from your dental practice in a concise and clear manner.

You’ll want to focus the dental the dental services you want to be known for. 

When you list your services make sure to internally link those services to the pages on your website allowing readers to quickly get more information.

Showcase your successful clients

Highlight your most successful patients by mentioning them on your ‘About Us’ page and linking to a case study or your before-and-after page. Remember that it’s not what you say about yourself anymore, it’s about what others say about you. Great patient testimonials is a big deal in reputation management. 

If you decide to add patient testimonials, even if they are Google reviews, you need to get a signed authorization from your patient. HIPAA regulations state that using any ePHI for marketing purposes requires a singed consent form.

Sharing patient reviews and testimonials will demonstrate your past successes and help potential patients envision their own future success with your services.

Emphasize your values

Your ‘About Us’ page should not only show who you are as a dentist but also as a team. Describe your practice culture, personal values, and the bigger picture that drives your practice. If you’re involved in a dental charity, mention it. 

An often overlooked benefit of focusing on your practice values is that it attracts job candidates who align with your practice’s values.

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Tips For Designing A Dental Practice About Us Page

An effective about-us page design should encompass more than just incorporating your practice’s color scheme. It needs to be well designed so that it’s easy to follow and allows visitors to quickly get answers to their questions about your practice. 

Select an appropriate color scheme

Color psychology plays a crucial role in the way people perceive your brand. For example, blue signifies security, trust, strength, and wisdom. Consider using blue in your logo and web page to convey a sense of reliability to your patients.

If you already have a color palette for your practice, use it. If you don’t have a color palette there are some great online tools that will help you find a color palette.

If you’re looking for some professional help in deciding on your color theme, we can help.

Utilize creative visuals

Visuals on your about page humanize your brand and help build a connection with patients. Use authentic images of you and your staff instead of stock photos to personalize your brand. Consider adding a video to your about page to tell your practice’s story and connect with patients on a deeper level.

Choose appropriate staff photos

Most about pages feature photos of the dentists and team. Use professional headshots with a neutral background for a polished look. Capturing great photos does not require a professional photographer, although that can be helpful. Most cell phones now have cameras with editing and filtering capabilities that will get more than what you need.

It’s best to try and capture personalities in your photography. Don’t be stale, be personable.

Use legible fonts

Often overlooked is choosing the right font. It’s crucial for a successful page design. Use a font that is easy to read and accessible for individuals with disabilities and don’t get too cute. 

Avoid lengthy paragraphs and sentences

People don’t read anymore. They scan a website page looking at the headings for their answers. Long paragraphs and sentences make your content difficult to digest. Keep your paragraphs to 3-4 lines and sentences under 20 words to improve readability.

Make your page responsive

Not all patients will visit your page on a desktop computer. Many will access it from their tablets or smartphones, so it’s crucial to design a responsive page that looks great on all devices. 

Ensuring your page is responsive is a website decision. When a dental marketing company builds a new website for you, they’ll build the entire site responsively. If your ‘about us’ page isn’t responsive it means your entire site isn’t responsive and you need a new website.

Focus on page load time

A fast-loading about page is essential for website SEO. Dentists compete vigorously with competition to rank as high as possible on search engines. How fast your website loads is a significant part of SEO, yet overlooked. 

If your page takes too long to load, visitors may leave before it finishes loading. Run a website audit to check load speeds.

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What Not To Put On Your “About Us” Page

Focus on your story, not just your credentials

It’s important to highlight your credentials and education, but don’t let it be the main focus of your About Us page. Remember, this page is all about your patients. A great way to engage prospective patients is by sharing your story, allowing them to get to know you and build trust in your practice. Remember to start with the ‘why.’ Share why you became a dentist instead of just focusing on how you became one.

Use personal photos for a personal touch

Using personal photos helps build familiarity and trust with website visitors. People connect better with images than text. Introduce yourself and your team with friendly smiles to make prospective patients feel more comfortable about visiting your practice.

Professional photos are a must, but they don’t have to be stiff and boring. Showcase the personality in the photos. If you don’t wear suits to the office, don’t wear them in the photos either.

Get professional help, but keep your unique voice

Writing website copy can be challenging, so don’t hesitate to seek professional help. But don’t rely solely on them to create your About Us page. Your dental website should reflect your office’s unique voice and tone, which requires your input in both the copy and imagery.

The goal of your website is to differentiate yourself from others and attract new patients. Use custom and personalized copywriting on all pages when you can. 

If writing custom copy seems daunting, find a copywriter who will interview you and integrate your voice and story into the website copy while also incorporating marketing best practices.

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Guess What? We Can Help!

Developing and designing a modern dental website is one of the core dental services that we offer. Our team of professional copywriters and graphic designers are ready and waiting to help write and update your current website or launch a completely new modern website.

About the Author: Adrian Lefler is a dental marketing expert and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Adrian is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE.

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