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AI Dental Marketing: Trending AI Topics and Updates

By December 1, 2023No Comments


AI Dental Marketing: Trending AI Topics and Updates

It was only a year ago that ChatGPT entered the scene and made AI technology accessible to the everyday user. Since then, competitors and investors have been pushing for new AI tech either in direct competition or in tandem with ChatGPT’s functionality. 

The good news for us is competition drives the innovation of a better product—for the most part—and you should be using AI to grow your dental practice. Whether for content ideas or marketing support, these tools can make a difference in how you master dental marketing.

What’s the Big Deal with AI

Generative AI technology, like ChatGPT and Bard, are essentially chatbots that you can input questions, prompts, and information for them to respond to. Your responses continue back and forth like a human conversation. You can refine the results, personalize them to your taste, and even change the tone of the voice. 

This is especially helpful for marketers who find themselves hard-pressed to create social media content, blogs, email newsletters, whitepapers, and more because AI can be a launch pad for ideas. Check out this example where ChatGPT was used to create an interesting blog article for dental practices.

You can have fun with this new tech, but as with all things, it should be used wisely, as the industry is always changing.

The Latest in AI Tech

When ChatGPT upended the AI industry, all major tech companies and startups pushed to be the next great tool in AI. 

Enter Google’s response to OpenAI’s generative AI tool ChatGPT—Bard. 

According to Google, “Bard seeks to combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge with the power, intelligence, and creativity of our large language models. It draws on information from the web to provide fresh, high-quality responses. Bard can be an outlet for creativity and a launchpad for curiosity.” 

Bard has been under increased scrutiny in the past few months as internal conversations at Google have leaked about the questionable functionality of the tech. Still, when used properly, you can start growing your practice with AI dental marketing.

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How to Use Bard for Dental Marketing

Maybe you’ve played with ChatGPT or you’re an AI newbie, either way, the best way to learn this technology is to get in there and start typing. Here’s how to find and use Bard:

  1. Head here to find the Bard interface.
  2. Enter a prompt and watch Bard work its magic. Example prompts: “Write a Facebook post for a pediatric dentist celebrating Tooth Fairy Day,” or “Create an outline for a blog discussing the major differences between Invisalign and traditional braces.” 
  3. Review and adjust the content to fit your practice’s needs. 

You can use Bard to generate blog ideas, rewrite website copy, draft emails, and create social media content. However, there are some caveats when it comes to using AI technology for content creation.

Be Cautious

Not all information that comes from Bard (or AI tech at this point) is completely accurate. Always double-check for false or misleading information. Be sure you understand copyright laws with AI marketing as well.

Manage Expectations

As of yet, AI is not the end-all of content writing. It still needs a human element to generate readable, engaging content. Expect there to be a learning curve and that you will still have to put in some work.

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Watch for Improvements

With all the pressure on the AI industry, Google, OpenAI, and everyone else is always pushing for new and innovative updates. Look for new integrations and functions that can help you with your dental marketing.

How Bard is Missing the Mark

Over the past several months, Google has released several updates and integrations in order to cement Bard as an essential AI tool. The bad news is that they keep falling short. 

The natural integration would be to help people manage other Google products (like Gmail) with the help of AI. An AI email assistant sounds like a dream! However, when put to the test, Bard gets easily confused and pulls false information—partly because it can’t distinguish what context the content is coming from. 

Similar flubs happen when trying to use Bard and Google Flights and Hotels. Bard will either miss important information (like which airport you need to depart from) or list trains that don’t actually exist. This could be extremely frustrating should you rely on Bard to plan your trip to the next AEEDC Conference in Dubai. 

Despite these hiccups, one advantage Bard has over ChatGPT is that it has current access to the internet. The free version of ChatGPT only draws from information up to 2021.

Using AI for Dental Marketing

If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that AI isn’t going anywhere anytime soon–which means it’s time to figure out the best way to leverage it for your dental marketing initiatives. Here are some of our top suggestions for making the most of AI for your practice.

Graphic Design

We think you’ll enjoy how we put Midjourney AI to work to create some truly unique dental designs. This is just one fun way to use AI for office graphic design, but you can also use it for customizing your website or social media. Try creating visuals for dental websites using AI.

Social Media

Social media marketing involves a lot of tedious tasks, which is great for AI tools. Integrating AI into social media management can help you stay consistent online, avoid creative roadblocks, and keep it fun for you and your staff. The paid version of ChatGPT even allows you to integrate directly with Canva so you can get branded social media content posts with just a few clicks.


The impact of ChatGPT on dental SEO is huge. Time is a big restraint for dental professionals trying to create content on top of every other responsibility. Use ChatGPT or Bard to generate ideas for blogs (include outlines if you want), website content, email copy, and even write meta descriptions for your website. Just remember to never copy and paste AI-generated content for SEO purposes, because search engines will be able to detect it and may dock your ranking. Use AI as a springboard for your own original content. 

AI may also help you rank for voice search. See how artificial intelligence is being integrated into voice search.

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Get Strategic with AI

Utilizing AI technology for dental marketing doesn’t mean that your content has to come off as robotic and impersonal. In fact, using AI the right way can actually improve the overall patient experience when it comes to your practice. See how you can master both with this relationship marketing in an AI-driven world webinar

Need more support with AI and marketing? Partner with a dental marketing company like My Social Practice to make sure you don’t miss out on the latest opportunities in AI for your practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What AI tools can I use for my dental practice social media?

Try using ChatGPT or Bard to improve social media marketing for dentists. Get ideas and help with writing engaging captions. Try playing with integrations with Canva or AI tools like Midjourney to create unique graphic designs.

Can I use AI to write my dental website content?

Dental websites can be hard to write if you want to stand out from the traditional industry jargon. AI can help you rewrite new ideas and inject more personality when used wisely. Be careful though. Using exclusively AI-generated content can hurt your website—not just from an SEO perspective, but it also comes off as awkward and disingenuous for users.

Can I trust AI for my dental practice content?

AI technology is not a perfect system. Both ChatGPT and Google’s Bard can make mistakes. Before you use any AI-generated content, check it for inconsistencies, edit it for clarity, and match it to your brand voice. It can still be a great tool for SEO for dentists by generating ideas, creating outlines, and helping with keyword research.

About the Author: Adrian Lefler is a dental marketing expert and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Adrian is passionate about helping practices grow through SEO for dentists. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of dental SEO or our dental website service, please give us a call.

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