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Dental Marketing

The 20 Best Dental Implant Marketing Strategies of 2024

By February 20, 2024April 3rd, 2024No Comments


Dental Implant Marketing

Water is wet, the sky is blue, and dental implants are a life-changing treatment for patients suffering from tooth loss. What might not be so obvious? They also offer the benefit of being a pretty darn lucrative service for dentists—that is, if patients know their local dentist offers implants. With over 120 million Americans missing at least one tooth and 36 million missing all of their teeth, the potential base of patients looking for a permanent solution is vast.

Dental implants are profitable, but as more dentists offer implants, you may find yourself fighting tooth and nail (sorry for the dental pun; we can’t help ourselves) to stand out from the competition. Fortunately, we’re here to help (and we’ll even spare you from more puns). Our experts have compiled the top 20 dental implant marketing strategies to attract more patients.

Table of Contents

The Importance of Dental Implant Marketing for Attracting Patients

Before discussing the best dental implant marketing for dentists, you may be wondering whether it’s necessary to advertise your practice’s prosthodontic services. Trust us, digital marketing for dentists is not just an option—it’s a necessity. More and more dentists offer services like dental implants, making the competition stiffer every year. Dental implant marketing increases your practice’s visibility, directing valuable, targeted patient traffic to your website.

The Best Dental Implant Marketing Strategies

We’ve covered the reasons why it’s a good idea for you to spend time considering and implementing a digital marketing strategy for implants, so without further ado, let’s take a look at the most effective dental implant marketing strategies:

1. Rank Higher on Google Maps for Dental Implants

When potential patients search for a dental implants provider, they’re likely to perform a Google search and review options on Google Maps. Local SEO optimization is essential in attracting new patients searching for nearby services. Create and optimize a Google Business Profile based on the areas and keywords you’d like to target.

Google Maps presents search results based on the user’s geographical location, meaning that when a patient searches for dental implants they will see your practice listed with local competitors. In the image below, the heat map shows an example of a practice’s rankings for the keyword phrase “dental implants near me.” Each colored circle on the map is representative of search results on Google Maps. Imagine you stood at the circle’s location and searched for “dental implants near me” on your phone. The number on the circle shows how the practice ranks for that keyword.

dental implant marketing

Understanding how well your practice ranks and in which areas is critical for developing an effective local SEO strategy. Optimizing your Google Business Profile for high-value keywords and locations can help your practice rank higher in search results over time. Most users choose one of the top results when searching for a service, so increasing your rankings for dental implant-related keywords an have a huge impact! Local SEO strategies focusing on Google Maps can drastically improve visibility:

Dental implant marketing

Request a free Google heat map report and learn the best keywords and locations to target in your marketing efforts.

Google Maps SEO Ranking Report

2. Blog About Dental Implants

If you don’t have a blog, you need one! All the best dental websites have blogs because they’re great for creating engaging content and boosting visibility. Regular blogging offers opportunities to increase your website’s search rankings for dental implant-related keywords and helps potential patients find your practice as they search for information about the service.

Many potential patients might have some basic knowledge about dental implants but need to learn more about the procedure or benefits. Develop and share informative content that educates your target audience about the advantages and process of dental implants.

3. SEO for Dental Implants

Optimize your website with relevant keywords such as “dental implants,” “best dental implants,” and “dental implant services” to improve your search engine ranking. Effective SEO for dentists will help potential patients find your services more easily when searching for dental implant information online.

4. Use Targeted Online Advertising

Use Google Ads and Facebook Ads to target specific demographics, such as age groups most likely to require dental implants. Use precise targeting tools to focus on local audiences and consumers most likely to search for dental health services.

5. Launch Email Marketing Campaigns

Build an email list of your current and potential patients to send them newsletters, special offers, and informative content about dental implants. Include compelling call-to-actions that encourage them to book a consultation.

6. Offer Virtual Consultations

Offer virtual consultations to reach potential patients who may be hesitant to visit the clinic for an initial consultation. Use these opportunities to educate them about dental implants and your personalized care. A virtual consultation can create a positive first impression for patients, making them more likely to follow through with scheduling an in-person appointment.

7. Create Referral Programs

Encourage satisfied dental implant patients to refer friends and family by offering them incentives, such as discounts on future services or dental care products. Word-of-mouth remains a powerful marketing tool!

8. Participate in Community Engagement

Participate in local health fairs, seminars, and community events to increase visibility. Offer free dental implant consultations or informational brochures to educate the community about your services.

9. Invest in Social Media Marketing

Leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to showcase success stories, before and after photos, and patient testimonials. Tailor content to resonate with an audience likely to consider dental implants, such as older adults or those with dental health issues.  Social media marketing for dentists can drive engagement and improve your practice’s visibility online. Create appealing graphics to share on social media to brand your practice and attract interest. Apps like Canva have plenty of options to create simple images. For more variety and to create a unified brand identity, consider using a custom graphic design service for your dental practice and services.

New call-to-action

10. Create Professional Partnerships

Collaborate with other healthcare providers, such as general dentists who do not offer implant services, to receive referrals. Building a network of referring professionals can significantly increase your patient base.

11. Share Patient Financing Options

Make dental implants more accessible by offering financing options or payment plans. Highlight these options in your marketing materials to address one of the biggest hurdles patients face—the cost of dental implants.

12. Use Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Healthgrades. Learn how to get patient reviews and showcase them prominently on your website and in your marketing materials. Real patient stories can significantly influence potential patients considering dental implants. 

13. Utilize Local SEO Techniques

Optimize your website for local search queries by including location-based keywords, registering with Google My Business, and ensuring your practice appears in local directories. Local dental SEO makes it easier for potential patients in your area to find you when searching for dental implant services.

14. Offer a Comprehensive Dental Implant Guide

Create a downloadable guide or e-book that covers everything a potential patient needs to know about dental implants, from the initial consultation to post-surgery care. This resource can be offered in exchange for an email address, helping you build your contact list for future marketing efforts.

15. Host Free Informational Webinars

Organize webinars for potential patients to learn about dental implants, the benefits, the procedure, and financing options. This positions you as an expert in the field and provides a direct opportunity to engage with interested individuals. You can include the link in your marketing emails as a future resource.

Claim Your $4,000 Website Credit-Husky

16. Engage in Community Sponsorships

Sponsor local sports teams, community events, or health fairs to increase your practice’s visibility within the community. This builds brand recognition and goodwill, making people more likely to consider your practice for their dental implant needs.

17. Showcase Advanced Technology

Highlight the latest technology and techniques you use for dental implants on your website and social media. This can reassure potential patients that they will receive high-quality care at your practice.

18. Create an FAQ Video Series

Produce a series of short videos answering the most common questions about dental implants. Share these videos on your website, YouTube channel, and social media platforms to engage and educate potential patients. Use your dental social media accounts as marketing tools to post educational and informational content regularly.

19. Offer a Special Promotion

Introduce a limited-time offer or promotional financing options for dental implant procedures. Promote this offer across your marketing channels to encourage hesitant patients to make a decision.

20. Get Expert Help

A quality dental marketing company can create and execute strategies tailored to your practice’s needs. A the best digital marketing companies can handle everything from your website’s dental SEO to targeted content creation and more.

Dental Implant Marketing: The Bottom Line

By implementing these dental implant marketing strategies, dentists can increase their visibility and effectively communicate the value of dental implants. Competing in an increasingly saturated market can be simple with a solid, evidence-based strategy! When in doubt, contact an expert dental marketing company to help you get the most out of your digital marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you advertise dental implants?

Effective advertising includes a comprehensive dental implant marketing plan targeted towards your intended specialty and demographic. Digital marketing strategies like local SEO, content creation, social media marketing, and patient education can help your practice increase visibility, and having a great dental website will encourage patients trust your practice and services.

How do I optimize my website for dental implants?

A great dental marketing plan includes targeted SEO. Write informative and engaging content on your website and optimize for keywords that patients in your area are likely to search for when they seek dental implant services. Post regular blog posts about dental implants to continually increase your visibility and rankings.

How can I get more dental implant patients?

To attract patients using a dental implant marketing and SEO plan, you’ll need to focus on increasing your practice’s visibility and reputation. Try out the strategies in this article to help patients find your practice and feel confident enough in your expertise to schedule an appointment.

About the Author: Megan Nielsen is an SEO strategist and the Supreme Grand Overlord of copywriting at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company that offers a full suite of dental marketing services to thousands of dental practices throughout the United States and Canada.

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