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Mastering AI Prompting for Dentists: The Powerful WWWAC Method

By March 25, 2024April 3rd, 2024No Comments

AI prompting for dentists

How WWWAC Can Assist in AI Prompting for Dentists

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic, and for good reason. AI’s versatility has proved a boon for improving practice management and dental marketing capabilities. However, effective prompting is the key to unlocking the technology’s full potential in your dental practice. Are you wondering how to master AI prompting for dentists?

While AI can help you with everything from dental social media to patient communication, chatting with a computer can feel unnatural. We’re here with this instructive guide to teach you our golden prompting principle: WWWAC. [Editorial note: If you’re as old as my boss, you might remember when the kids called something “wack.” He assures me it wasn’t a good thing, but fortunately, our version is.] 

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What is WWWAC?

WWWAC is a streamlined approach designed to create nuanced communications using AI prompting for dentists. The WWWAC acronym stands for:

  • Who
  • What
  • Why
  • Audience
  • Constraints

Let’s put our money where our proverbial mouths are (ha! Dentist jokes!) and look at an example. To explain the WWWAC framework, we’ll walk you through the steps of a practical scenario. In this hypothetical, we need to use an AI tool to write an empathetic email to a patient whose insurance is discovered to be out of network. Sink your teeth into the following script. It should give you something to chew on as we continue (sorry, we promise to bite down on the urge to make any more dental puns).

Who: Define the AI’s Role

The first step in crafting an effective AI prompt is clearly defining the role you want the AI to assume. In a dental practice setting, AI can serve various roles, from the dentist to the scheduling coordinator to the office manager. For example, you might want the AI to act as a financial coordinator, drafting emails to patients about billing inquiries or insurance. Clearly defining a role sets the foundation for precise AI prompting for dentists.

What: Specify the Task

Next, detail exactly what you need the AI to do. This could range from sending appointment reminders to writing detailed explanations of dental procedures for patient education materials. The key to AI prompting for dentists is to be as specific as possible. For instance, instead of saying, “write a letter to patients,” say, “write an empathetic email to inform patients about the importance of regular dental check-ups.”

Why: Explain the Purpose

Understanding the purpose behind a task is crucial in AI prompting for dentists. Are you aiming to educate patients, reduce missed appointments, or communicate financial policies? The “why” helps tailor the tone and content of the AI’s output. If the goal is to inform patients that they are out of network, the purpose would be to clearly explain what this means and reassure them about their options.

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Audience: Describe Who Will Receive the Communication

Knowing your audience is essential for effective communication. Describe the demographics, preferences, and potential concerns of the audience. For dental practices, the audience could range from new patients to long-standing clients, each requiring a different approach. For example, when communicating with the writers at My Social Practice, the AI might need to work in some dentistry-related humor. More helpfully, when communicating with elderly patients, the AI should use more straightforward language and provide more detailed explanations.

Constraints: Set Boundaries and Limitations

Finally, outline any specific constraints or guidelines the AI should follow. This includes specifying the tone (professional, casual, empathetic), the format (email, SMS, social media post), and any information that must be included or avoided. Constraints should include compliance with privacy laws and ensuring patient information is handled sensitively.

Implementing WWWAC in AI Prompting for Dentists

Let’s apply the WWWAC method to write an email from a dental practice’s financial coordinator to a patient named Jane Doe, explaining that her insurance is out of network. In this scenario, you could input the following prompts into your AI tool:

Who: You are a financial coordinator named Sammy, and you work at a dental office named “Awesome Dental Practice.”

What: You’re writing an email to a patient named Jane Doe. I would like you to write an empathetic email to Jane Doe about her treatment case for getting a dental implant.

Why: Let her know that her insurance is out-of-network. Jane must pay a slightly higher out-of-pocket fee because her insurance company may cover less than was thought. Clarify potential implications for her billing and reassure her about available payment options.

Audience: Jane Doe is a valued patient who requires clear, compassionate communication and may have concerns about unexpected expenses.

Constraints: Use empathetic and clear language, avoid jargon, include information about payment plans and third-party financing, do not promise specific coverage amounts, and ensure the tone is supportive and reassuring. Be succinct.

The Prompt

Here is the prompt in paragraph form:

You are a financial coordinator named Sammy, and you work at a dental office named “Awesome Dental Practice.” You’re writing an email to a patient named Jane Doe. I would like you to write an empathetic email to Jane Doe about her treatment case for getting a dental implant. Let her know that her insurance is out-of-network. Jane must pay a slightly higher out-of-pocket fee because her insurance company may cover less than was thought. Clarify potential implications for her billing and reassure her about available payment options. Jane Doe is a valued patient who requires clear, compassionate communication and may have concerns about unexpected expenses. Use empathetic and clear language, avoid jargon, include information about payment plans and third-party financing, do not promise specific coverage amounts, and ensure the tone is supportive and reassuring. Be succinct.

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The Results

Below is the email created using the WWWAC principle:

Subject: Your Dental Implant Treatment Plan: Insurance and Payment Options

Dear Jane,

I hope this message finds you well. As the Financial Coordinator at Awesome Dental Practice, it’s my role to ensure you feel fully supported and informed about the financial aspects of your dental care, especially concerning your upcoming dental implant treatment.

We’ve reviewed your insurance details and found that your plan is considered out-of-network for this procedure. I understand this might be concerning news, and I want to reassure you that you’re not alone in navigating this. Typically, out-of-network coverage results in a lower reimbursement rate from the insurance provider, which may lead to a slightly higher out-of-pocket cost for you.

At Awesome Dental Practice, we believe financial constraints shouldn’t hinder our patients from receiving the best possible care. To assist you, we offer several payment options designed to ease any financial concerns:

  1. Flexible Payment Plans: We can customize a payment schedule that fits comfortably into your budget, allowing you to pay over time.
  2. Third-Party Financing: We collaborate with trusted financing partners who provide flexible financing options, making it easier to manage the cost of your treatment. These options are subject to credit approval but can offer a viable solution to spread the cost.
  3. Personal Assistance: We’re here to help explore all possible avenues to make your treatment as affordable as possible, including checking for any additional insurance benefits or alternative treatments that align with your needs and budget.

Jane, we value you immensely as a patient and understand that dealing with insurance and payments can be overwhelming. Please know that my door is always open for you to discuss any concerns or questions you might have. You can reach out to me directly at [Your Contact Information], and we can work together to find the best path forward.

Thank you for entrusting your dental care to Awesome Dental Practice. We’re committed to providing you with the support and care you need every step of the way.

Warm regards,


Financial Coordinator

Awesome Dental Practice

We recommend editing your results for accuracy, tone, and clarity. After all, you may find yourself with an overwhelming urge to tell your patients what a dentist’s favorite dinosaur is (a floss-iraptor).

AI Prompting for Dentists: The Bottom Line

The WWWAC method provides a structured framework for dental practices to harness AI effectively, enhancing patient outreach and streamlining administrative tasks.

By defining the Who, What, Why, Audience, and Constraints, dental teams can use precise prompts that lead to empathetic and impactful communications. As technology increasingly integrates into healthcare, methods like AI prompting for dentists can help you create smooth operational flows to provide exceptional patient care and improve dental marketing

We’re sorry for breaking our promise about dental jokes, but we hope you’ll use the WWWAC method if you’d like to send us a complaint!

Frequently Asked Questions

How is AI being used in dental marketing?

AI technology is improving rapidly, introducing opportunities for dental practices to streamline operational flows and quickly create marketing content. Text AI tools can create patient communications, blog articles, and dental social media posts. Learning the best methods for ethical AI prompting for dentists can improve patient outreach and generate engaging content without hurting your SEO.

How can dentists use ChatGPT?

AI prompting for dentists can help practices simplify the process of many tasks. ChatGPT can assist in writing:

  • Social media posts
  • Patient emails and newsletters
  • Blog posts
  • Patient surveys
  • Marketing materials
  • Dental website pages

If you can effectively prompt, you can use AI to write almost anything your practice needs!

How do I master AI prompting?

AI prompting for dentists is a skill that any practice can benefit from. We recommend using the WWWAC principle: 

  • Who: Define the AI’s role
  • What: Specify the task
  • Why: Explain the purpose
  • Audience: Describe who will receive the communication
  • Constraints: Set boundaries and limitations

This guideline can help dentists get the most from AI technology, from generating content to boost dental SEO to creating great dental website pages.

About the Author: Megan Nielsen is an SEO strategist and the Grand Overlord of copywriting at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company that offers a full suite of dental marketing services to thousands of dental practices throughout the United States and Canada.

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