Funny Dental Tweets That Made Us Laugh
They say laughter is the best medicine, and we want to test that theory. Next time you have an extraction scheduled, try showing your patient these hilarious dentistry-related tweets. They’ll laugh so hard, you probably won’t even need novocaine!
Though, on further reflection, perhaps you should keep it ready just in case.
I'm afraid to go to the dentist not because it will hurt, but because they will be so disappointed in me.
— ms melece ms (@melecevida) July 3, 2021
[sits in dentist chair]
— Elizabeth Hackett (@LizHackett) May 31, 2017
Just give me whatever made that kid scream "IS THIS REAL LIFE"
My four year old spends the entire 6 month period between teeth cleanings standing in the dentist's office trying to choose a toothbrush.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) June 8, 2016
COP: Know why I pulled you over?
— Floyd (@dafloydsta) November 30, 2016
ME: Because I didn't floss?
DENTIST: *rips off cop mask* I gotcha now, you son of a-
Schedule your dentist appointment early in the month so you can do the hidden picture in the Highlights magazine before some kid ruins it.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) May 4, 2017
Me: what should I do?
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) September 8, 2017
Dentist: stop eating sugar, drinking coffee and wine, cut back on stress..
Me: right but like realistically
Dentist: I'm going to take your tooth out
— AnOnion (@onion_an) June 10, 2015
Me: Ok then
[later that evening]
Dentist: Well this is nice
My tooth: I'm having a lovely time
Flossing the day of a dentist appointment feels a lot like cramming for a history test you didn't study for but with more blood.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) July 31, 2015
Dentist: (cleaning my teeth) Do you floss every day?
— Carbosly (@Carbosly) July 18, 2018
Me: (gargling on blood) Yes, why?
*tries to quietly unwrap a tootsie roll during a dental cleaning*
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) December 4, 2017
When my kids assure me they will clean up their mess, I know how my dentist must feel when I assure him I will floss.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) June 19, 2017
To sound important, when my dentist books my appointment 6 months away and asks, "Does 10am work?", I say,"Ugh, busy. How about 2?".
— Brian Hope (@Brianhopecomedy) February 28, 2013
when ur dentist starts talking to u but the whole time ur talking she's sneakin looks at ur bottom teeth
— camila (@Camila_Cabello) November 15, 2016
dentist: does anything hurt
— gary from teen mom (@garyfromteenmom) October 13, 2018
me: it all started when zayn left one direction
dentist: what
me: i said no
dentist: does anything hurt
— gary from teen mom (@garyfromteenmom) October 13, 2018
me: it all started when zayn left one direction
dentist: what
me: i said no
dentist: open up
— flowers (@somethinglovely) October 28, 2019
me: HA, so you can break my heart no thanks
dentist: ?????????????????????? what
me: oh you meant my mouth, haha my bad
dentist: you okay? wanna talk about it
me: no im fine
dentist: you sure??
me: *holding in tears* why does everyone leave me
Dentist: open wide
— slate (@PleaseBeGneiss) February 6, 2020
Me: :)
Dentist: not your arms
Me: :(
Just flirtin with my dentist lul
— Cole M. Sprouse (@colesprouse) June 14, 2016
Going to the dentist is a great way to remind yourself what a coward you are.
— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) February 14, 2012
Dentist: ok open up
— paperwash© (@PaperWash) June 4, 2015
"Well I guess it all started when my dad left..."
Dentist: no I mean-
Assistant: wait bill...let him finish
I have a dentist appointment first thing tomorrow morning.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 20, 2017
If you need me, I'll be cramming six months worth of flossing into one night.
one of the great joys in this life is looking at your pets weird little teeth
— Kristen Arnett (@Kristen_Arnett) January 2, 2025
Fashion Alert! Skinny jeans are out. Paper dentist bibs are in.
— Dan's Lie of the Day (@DansLieOfTheDay) March 19, 2021
Dentist just told me that he needs to put me down.
— Jason, ex inferis (@benedictsred) December 30, 2024
4 out of 5 introverted dentists recommend Colgate toothpaste, they guess, if that’s what you’d rather use.
— Hunter the Bounty Dog (@huntergraybeal) January 2, 2025
Did You Laugh at These Funny Dental Tweets?
Us too! If you’re looking for a dental marketing company that knows the ins and outs of social media, check out My Social Practice and learn how we can help you grow your practice. Plus, we regularly post incredible, hilarious content like this. You’re welcome.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should dentists use Twitter/X?
Yes! Dentists should take advantage of every social media platform where they can increase their reach in order to build a relatable, accessible dental brand. Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, and Facebook are all valuable social media platforms for dental professionals.
How can I grow my dental social media?
Building a dental brand through social media is a great way to reach new patients. The keys to a successful dental social media presence are consistency, a distinct brand voice, regular engagement, and creative posts that push users to respond and react to your posts. Work with a dental marketing company if you’re looking for strategies to increase your practice’s social media presence!
How often should a dental practice post on social media?
As with all dental marketing efforts, building a brand on social media requires consistency. The most important thing to remember is to post regularly. Post multiple times per week, but make sure your content is high quality and pushes users to engage. Generic images aren’t nearly as engaging as unique content! Consult with a dental marketing company for ideas about creating excellent social media posts to help you get started.
About the Author: Megan Nielsen is an SEO strategist and the Grand Overlord of copywriting at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company that offers a full suite of dental marketing services to thousands of dental practices throughout the United States and Canada.