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Dental Marketing Case StudyOrthodontic

Orthodontic Marketing Case Study – A Practice That Understands Social Media For Orthodontists

By October 21, 2014May 3rd, 2022No Comments

orthodontic marketing case study

Congratulations to Jorgensen Orthodontics, our October 2014 Practice of the Month!

The team at Jorgensen Orthodontics in Rio Rancho, NM are passionate about what they do each day. They believe in exceeding patients’ expectations at every turn. They even exceed our social media marketing expectations! Here are several reasons why…

Jorgensen Orthodontics Puts ALL Of Their Resources To Work

From daily Facebook ideas to ongoing campaigns, the materials My Social Practice provides are specifically designed to make OUR CLIENTS look great and to get fans involved. But they can’t work if the practice doesn’t use them! The Jorgensen Orthodontics team utilizes every tool to boost their social media presence. Including…

“Even Better” Kickstarts

There are good options for daily Facebook postings, better options, and “best” options. Jorgensen Ortho goes typically goes for the best. Cheryl, who heads up their social media efforts, said, “We were surprised that ideas and graphics celebrating things beyond orthodontics have been so well-received. The one that I remember being most successful had to do with Girl Scout Cookie time. A randomly selected winner got a case of their favorite Girl Scout cookies. That post had a 1,200 reach and 306 Facebook clicks.

In-Office Promotional Materials

Cheryl told us, “We purchased ‘Social Media Handout Cards’ from the My Social Practice Swag Store. We have them on the front office desk and put them in our new patient packets. We also love having signs around the office encouraging patients to ‘Like’ our Facebook page.


Campaigns are a great way to make social media exciting for your fans. Cheryl told us, “Patients definitely have been enjoying the various contests we have been running–mostly on Facebook, but on other places as well.”

Orthodontic Marketing – 5 Awesome Ideas Using Social Media

orthodontist social media

They Pull Out The Cameras When The Timing Is Right

Through photographs and videos, patients and prospective patients become familiar with the Jorgensen Ortho team before stepping foot in their office! Look at some of these photos. Don’t you feel like you’ve already met them?

orthodontic marketing

They Communicate Clear Messages Using Social Media For Orthodontists

“We like you and want to connect!”

Cheryl told us, “One of the first things we did was use the Social Media Sign for the game ‘Two Truths and a Lie.’ This was a great way to help our ‘fans’ get to know some things about the Jorgensen Orthodontic staff. I still have no clue why, but Dr. Jorgensen’s answer to his ‘Two Truths and a Lie’ got 256 post clicks and had a reach of 5,200!

“We’re experienced professionals with authority you can trust.”

Cheryl said, “Our parents and patients often talk to Dr. Jorgensen and our staff members about the things they learn from us via social media.
blogging for orthodontists

“We love helping patients reach their goals for beautiful, healthy smiles.”

A Few More Q&As With Cheryl

What advice would you give to new practices starting out with social media marketing?

Be consistent! And make sure the content you post is pertinent and interesting. We personalize our Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages by mixing what we get from My Social Practice, with other things we do in our office.

What’s the most difficult part of social media for orthodontists?

Even with My Social Practice’s help, social media marketing can take a lot of time if you do it right. It can also be a challenge getting staff members to fully utilize all of the ideas My Social Practice gives us. I’m still working on that.

What do you think is the most surprising thing about social media for orthodontists?

One of the biggest surprises is that practices can get more bang for their ‘marketing buck’ online as opposed to using old fashioned ways of marketing. To be successful, you must post interesting and fun content at regular intervals.

social media for orthodontists

Thanks, Cheryl! And congratulations to everyone at Jorgensen Orthodontics. You guys rock. Keep up the great work!

Take a look at this recent dental marketing case study.


Ready To Begin Finding Dental Patients with Digital Dental Marketing?


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About the Author: Jack Hadley is a dental marketing expert and one of the founding members of My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a digital dental marketing company located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Jack is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book Jack or one of the other members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of SEO for dentists, our dental websites service? Learn More Here.

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